Greetings one and all. Yes, we are still here :)
It has been a strange summer for the two of us. We have had some changes here that have altered our time together, our listings and blogging posts.
Mary got a full time job (finally) so our time has been together has been limited.
When she has her days off, we do get out and hunt for treasures together or intend to go shopping and end up going fishing :) We have got the hang of taking the fish off the hooks rather well.
Summer just went so fast this year.
Our garden was a great producer this year of tomatoes so we did get a chance to make homemade pasta sauce for both of our freezers but we did not get to any canning this year.
We had peppers, cucumbers, green beans, radishes, eggplant, herbs and of course tomatoes! Currently the spinach is up.
We are hoping once Mary gets her set schedule we will be able to get back into our usual routine
of shopping, playing, listing, blogging and laughing at silly things.
Hoping everyone had a wonderful summer, a relaxing fall and are looking forward to the upcoming holidays.
Keep smiling, it is contagious :)
Live, Love and Giggle
Cathy and Mary